Lokal International Photo:Laura Barabino

24.- 28.04.2019

Gyantapas Abdur Razzaq Bidyapeeth
House 60,Road 7/A, Dhanmondi,

The Fashion design exchange project

On Tuesday, 23 to Sunday, 28 April 2019.

To bridge cultural exchange with notions of sustainability and fashion, Goethe-Institut Bangladesh, in collaboration with the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin and the Berlin University of the Arts, as well as Bengal Foundation and BUFT, will inaugurate a fashion outfit and accessories exhibition on 23 April 2019. 
LOCAL INTERNATIONAL is an international cultural exchange program between Bangladesh and Germany focusing on sustainability and fair production methods within the textile industry.
LOCAL INTERNATIONAL focusses on sustainability and raises an awareness for both the wide range of options that fashion designers will face in their future careers, as well as the responsibility that designers incur in their professional role. Many questions are raised and discussed in our seminars, in which invited specialists offer input at a high professional level to provide our participants with the best possible information, in order to enable them to make independent, responsible design decisions in their individual design processes.
Since 2015, 48 fashion designers and fashion students from Berlin and Dhaka have been selected to participate in LOCAL INTERNATIONAL. In lectures and specialised workshops, the participants were given an insight into the topics of sustainability, fair-trade and design methods, in order to develop their own creative approaches, concepts, products and collections. An essential part of LOCAL INTERNATIONALs projects are visits to sustainable fashion production sites and meetings with NGOs, designers, artisans and representatives of the fashion and textile industry in Bangladesh and Germany.
LOCAL INTERNATIONAL is led by Prof. Heike Selmer, Professor of Fashion Design at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin and founding member of greenlab, and Prof. Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen, Professor of Fashion Design at Universität der Künste Berlin and director of the Institute of Experimental Garment and Textile Design.
Since 2014 LOCAL INTERNATIONAL has been supported by Goethe Institut Bangladesh.
