Course Blended-Learning "Deutschland im Umbruch"

Mon, 27.03.2023 -
Fri, 05.05.2023

Online Institut Pierre Werner

Participation for EU staff from the EU institutions in Brussels and Luxembourg and ministerial officials from the Permanent Representations of the EU Member States.

Language level: B2 - C1 

The Europanetzwerk Deutsch invites you to a blended learning course on "Deutschland im Umbruch" from 27.03. - 05.05.2023 in German.

The past few years have posed great challenges to us worldwide and have reshaped social life: for example, digitalisation has become much more important in Germany. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz even speaks of a "turn of the times".

In this blended learning course, we will look at the upheavals that we are currently witnessing in Germany. You will be given the opportunity to improve your German language skills and to get into conversation with European colleagues. 
There will be three online live sessions (via Zoom) and two face-to-face sessions (parallel in Brussels and Luxembourg) on Fridays 14.4. and 28.4. between 12:30 and 14:00. The workload per week is approximately two hours.

If you are interested, please send us your application by 22.03.2023.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Hawner, Goethe-Institut Nancy:
