conference Conference: Unicivil Society

Protest gegen rechts © Protestfotografie Frankfurt

Sat, 27.11.2021

2:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Uncivil Society

This year, 2021, marks the tenth anniversary of the videotaped confessions by the German neo-Nazi terrorist group “National Socialist Underground” (NSU) as well as the massacre on the Norwegian island of Utøya. This string of right-wing extremist murders has continued ever since, and investigative research gives us a rough idea of how vast and far-reaching these tentacular networks are. Against the backdrop of ongoing right-wing violence and terror in countries all over Europe, the conference addresses the Europe-wide scourge of right-wing terror.

It brings together people working in research, culture and the arts, and politics to discuss their contributions to the fight against right-wing terror and racist violence. The object is to develop collective approaches to this ongoing struggle to ward off the emergence and spread of right-wing extremist structures and shore up European civil society in the process. The conference will explore the multi-layered complexity of racist practices, the ongoing history of racist violence, and the networking of right-wing structures in Europe and beyond.

It thus forms synergies with the play EXTREME / MALECANE by Paola Pisciottano, which will be performed at the Théâtre National after the conference and which poses similar questions.


14:30: Welcome words and introduction to the conference: Johannes Ebert (Secretary general, Goethe-Institut), via video
14:45 – 15:15: Keynote: Didier Eribon : Violence et passion, de la fascination pour le fascisme

15:15 – 15:30: Break

15:30 – 17:00: Panel 1: Scientific perspectives on right-wing violence and terrorism in Europe

- Volker Weiß (Historian, Hamburg)
- Tore Bjørgo (Centre for Research on Extremism, Oslo)
- Manuela Caiani (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)

17:00 – 17: 15: Break

17:15 – 18:00: Keynote 2:  Serpil Temiz Unvar & Judith Lechner: The work of the Educational Initiative Ferhat Unvar

18:00: Closing Words: Elke Kaschl-Mohni (Goethe-Institut Brussel)

18:15: End of the conference

20:00: EXTREME/MALECANCE (Paola Pisciotano)

Host and moderator of the conference: Matthias Dell (Journalist, Berlin)
The Conference: Uncivil Society is a part of Unzivilgesellschaft/Uncivil society. Uncivil Society is a project of the Goethe-Instituts in Brussels, Budapest, Milan and Oslo making use of artistic and discussion formats and working with local partners to address the Europe-wide phenomenon of racist violence and right-wing terror. Find out more here. 
