Grada Kilomba 24/10 - 16/12/2016

Grada Kilomba

grada_kilomba_g © © Moses Leo grada_kilomba_g © Moses Leo
Grada Kilomba is a Portuguese writer, theorist and interdisciplinary artist who explores forms of decolonization of knowledge at various German theaters, such as the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Das Haus der Berliner Festspiele, and the Maxim Gorki Theater, in Berlin, and currently has two prominent works featured at the 32nd São Paulo Biennial.  Her work focuses on issues of gender, race, trauma and memories, and her ouvre includes several outputs, such as publications, stage readings, performances and video installations, creating a hybrid space between languages and formats. In her work, Kilomba brings theoretical and political texts on stage, giving body, voice and image to her writings. Her book “Plantation Memories”, a compilation of psychoanalytic episodes of everyday racism, is amongst her most important works, staged by Kilomba in German theaters in 2013. Her writings have been translated into various languages and have been published in international anthologies and journals, and her performance and installation works presented in various locations worldwide. Kilomba has taught in numerous universities internationally, more recently as guest professor of the department of Gender Studies at Humboldt University.

She holds a scholarship from the Robert Bosch Foundation.
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