Food as a source of inspiration for performances

Food as a source of inspiration for performances
© Alexa Daerr

Workshop with Nezaket Ekici

Studio 303

Food is usually not the subject of art, except that food has been very present in painting and theatre over the past centuries. At the beginning of the 17th century, a still life was even created as a subject of its own, in order to give aesthetic expression to the question of vanitas (the transient nature of being) through food, flowers and animals: what makes food special is its beauty, which is limited in time. In this sense, there are similarities and comparisons between food and performance: in both, the moment plays a central role. A performer needs to be able to express the intensity of a moment with aesthetic means in the flow of time.
Food is part of our daily lives and has many references to culture, religion and art history. In many cases, food is culturally, socially but also politically motivated and influenced and becomes an expression of our coexistence in society. Food is therefore very suitable as a source of inspiration for performance ideas.
The workshop is practice-oriented and works with examples of the artist’s work, concentration exercises and the implementation of performances.
Small improvised performance ideas will be discussed, analyzed and concretized in plenary sessions and small groups as a result of co-creation.
In collaboration with Articule, the artist will be performing at VIVA! Art Action 2019 (Sept. 23 to 28, performance date TBA).


Studio 303

372 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest

Price: 150$ (or 65$)

(514) 393-3771

Registration required - To reserve your spot, payment is required 2 weeks before the start of the workshop. All workshops are for professional performing artists. Some require advanced dance training. Capacity: 10 people