Film Festival
German films at FIFEM

Summer Rebels
© Pluto Film Distribution

International Children's and Youth Film Festival Montreal


Ticket pre-sale: from 21 to 26 February 2021.

Please note:
Reduced single tickets and family passes are only available during pre-sale. From February 27, 2021, only single tickets can be purchased at the regular price.

The films will be available across Canada.

German feature films in official competition for the 24th edition of FIFEM: 

Madison - A Fast Friendship
Director: Kim Strobl
Germany, Austria | 2020, 84 mins

As the daughter of an international cycling professional, 12-year-old Madison was practically born with a passion for cycling, which is why the disappointment is great when the ambitious young racing cyclist is excluded from the training camp. Instead, she is now to spend the summer with her mother in the Tyrolean mountains, where mountain biking is more popular than racing biking. Only when Madison finds a friend in 13-year-old Vicky does her summer seem to turn to good. And that's not all: Vicky helps her discover her talent and passion for downhill biking – and without the pressure to perform, the sport is even more fun for her. Needless to say, her father doesn't like it at all. He even travels to Tyrol to take Madison home. In this difficult situation, Madison has to learn to find her own way. -

Summer Rebels
Director: Martina Sakova
Germany, Slovakia | 2020, 93 mins

Summer is finally here! Jonas is excited to be spending the vacation with his cool grandpa Bernard. But without a wife or job, grandpa is not in the best of moods. Anyway Jonas is not supposed to go to grandpa’s, but to the sea with his mother and his little brother. But Jonas is determined to go rafting with grandpa like he used to when his father was still alive. He gets help from Alex, a girl of his age whom he meets after running away from home. Together they inflict a fair dose of chaos on grandpa’s everyday life, as Jonas comes up with many creative ideas on how to reach his goal. Although some setbacks don’t fail to show up, Jonas ends up reaching his aim, and even more: spending the summer at the sea together with his new big family. -

German short films in competition for the 24th edition  

Une Nuit Orageuse
Director: Gil Alkabetz
Germany | Animation | 2020, 9 mins

A fire in the chimney falls in love with a lightning bolt, and sets out on the road to find it. On his adventurous journey, he learns where the real heat is. This story is about the quest for love. It teaches us that infatuation can be deceptive and that true love should not be ignored.
Director: Milen Vitanov
Germany, Bulgaria | Animation | 2020, 7 mins

Far and wide, nothing but snow, ice and pleasant silence. That is, until a helicopter full of noisy tourists lands. A quick round of selfies and then they’re off again, leaving behind a heap of trash and a tiny dog which is immediately adopted by four Arctic hares. The Berlin-based collective Talking Animals returns to Generation with a humorous yet biting cinematic commentary on animal empathy and human ignorance. -


Independent and competitive, FIFEM is an international film festival whose mission is to train tomorrow's film buffs by offering them a range of the best youth cinema in the world. The festival lives in a globalised world and takes a stand, through its programming choices, for a harmonious future in cultural diversity. It uses cinema as a tool to stimulate young people's curiosity, promote critical thinking and enlightened dialogue.

The 24th edition of FIFEM will be held during the March break on a new webcasting platform accessible across Canada. More info here:





Language: Orginal Version with Subtitles
