'Don't tell me what to do!' - User manuals as comics

Comic Workshop with Anna Haifisch Anna Haifisch The Goethe-Institut Toronto is offering students in the GTA the opportunity to take part in a graphic novel workshop with artist Anna Haifisch! As a rising star of Germany’s graphic novel scene, Anna Haifisch is invited to the Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2017 as an international guest. Together with the artist, students can get creative under the topic ‘Don’t tell me what to do!‘ – User manuals as comics and step into the shoes of a comic author for a couple of hours. Anna Haifisch puts it like this:
"Almost everything on Earth comes with a user manual. Sometimes it is badly needed to be able to use whatever thing it is (e.g. IKEA furniture), sometimes a user manual is vital to add meaning to whatever it is that you want to use, however, sometimes they are also unnecessary and absurd. In this workshop, we are going to deal with user manuals and draw comics using these manuals as a form of storytelling. Whether you draw a user manual for an object, a pet, for Canada or for yourself – that’s totally up to you!"

The workshop has been designed for students of all levels of German in the Greater Toronto Area. It will last approximately two hours and will take place at your institution (e.g. school, university, etc.), and the best thing is, it is free!

If you and your students are interested in participating in the comic workshop, just send an email with the name of your institution, the number of students and your preferred date (May 11 or 12) to by May 1st.
