Call for Applications Residency for New Music

Residence for new music 2017 Photo: Konrad Fersterer

Sun, 10/15/2017 -
Wed, 11/15/2017

Goethe-Institut Montreal

Residence for new music 2017

Québec - Dresden (Hellerau) Exchange

The Goethe-Institut Montreal, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Le Vivier – Carrefour des musiques nouvelles are pleased to offer a two month residency in composition in new music to a composer living and working in Germany. This residency will offer the composer important experiences in his/her professional development. A new environment and the chance to meet other local artists will create favourable conditions for creativity, the development of his/her artistic practice and for an international career.

The residency in Montreal aims to offer networking opportunities and long-term exchange between Québécois and German composers, as well as contributing to the development of their artistic practices. The residency also aims to contribute to the dissemination of the selected composers’ works in Québec and Germany.

Within the framework of this exchange, a Québécois composer will reside two months at HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden.
Contemporary music
Candidate Profile
This international residency is designed for composers who have at least two years of artistic practice and who have had at least one work broadcasted or interpreted publicly in places or contexts recognized by their peers.
The Place
Le Vivier
Comprising 34 music ensembles and organisations, Le Vivier is a community initiative. Its mission is to facilitate the development of new music, and offering through presentation of quality works, an open door to culture.
Residency and Grant
The length of stay is two months, from October 15 – December 15, 2017. The grant includes the following: transport costs, insurance and lodging. The selected artists will also receive $2500 to cover living costs.
Deadline for Registration
- The deadline for the registration has passed - 

We request that composers mention their technical requirements for the residency and to distinguish between what is necessary from what is desirable. Le Vivier and its partners will try to provide this equipment to the best of their abilities.
The residency is made possible through:
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec:
Goethe-Institut Montreal:
Hellerau– Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden:
Le Vivier– Carrefour des musiques nouvelles:
Antenne du Québec à Berlin :
Head Office of the Goethe-Institut, Music Department :
