A webinar on children's literature, diversity and representation
Children's books shape our worldview. It is important to be able to find yourself in stories, illustrations and narratives and, at the same time, to get to know the variety of realities that surround us. However, the current children's literature does not reflect our increasingly diverse societies. What can diversity-oriented, norm-critical and prejudice-conscious children's books look like that help children understand the world and its own place in it?
How can alternative, under-represented narratives, voices and images be introduced into the book market? What good examples can we share? And what can the various players in this field – authors, illustrators, publishers, libraries and readers – learn from each other? What can be the contribution of these decision makers towards a more diverse, representative, inclusive and norm-critical children’s literature?
These are questions the Goethe-Institut together with the artist
Warda Ahmed, the illustrator
EL BOUM and the author
Chantal-Fleur Sandjon are asking in the project
DRIN – Diversity, Representation, Inclusion, Norm Critique.
Besides networking and knowledge exchange, another goal of the project is book production. Examples of best practices from around the world will create an archive to provide inspiration for translations and motivate the creation of these “visionary” books.
We invite you to take part in the webinar that aims to share insights into children’s literature, into the work of its creators and users. In the second part of the webinar we hope to exchange openly and in a safe digital space on visions, new standards that challenge the status quo and best practices to reach the goals of DRIN.
The webinar will include an introduction to the project DRIN, a key note and four short lectures with a Q&A.
- 14:00 (13:00 pm CET = Central European Time) Introduction of the project by the Goethe-Institut Finnland and welcome by Stefan Eß (Sankt Michaelsbund) and Dr. Claudia Pecher (Deutsche Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur) and the project creators Chantal-Fleur Sandjon and Jasmina El Bouamraoui
- 14:20 (13:20 CET) Keynote Prof. Dr. Maisha Auma (Germany)
- 15:00 (14:00 CET) Short lectures by: Johanna Lestelä (author, Finland), Dapo Adeola (illustrator, UK), Allen Fatimaharan (illustrator, UK) and Woody Oliphant (librarian, Sweden) – with time for questions
- 16:20 (15.20 CET) BREAK
- 16:30 (15:30 CET) Exchanging visions
- 18:00 (17:00 CET) End of the webinar
The participation is free of charge, but
we kindly ask you to register until Fri 29.05.2020 via anmeldungen.kultur.helsinki@goethe.de with some info on yourself and why you want to participate. The number of participants is limited.
You will receive further information about the technical format of the webinar.
A webinar by the
Goethe-Institut Finnland in cooperation with
Deutsche Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur,
Finnland-Institut in Deutschland and
Sankt Michaelsbund.