A Creative Youth Exchange Programme between the UK and Germany

Eine Jugendliche nimmt als Teil einer Gruppe an einem Kreativ-Workshop teil © Goethe-Institut

“Exchange2Change” is an exchange programme for young people, aged between 14 and 17 during the exchange phase, who live in the UK and Germany. As part of a group, exchangers collaboratively develop a creative project, partly virtual and partly during stays in Berlin and London. Successful applicants will be invited to stay in selected accommodations (usually hotels) during the exchange. The costs of the exchange are fully covered in full by the Friends of the Goethe-Institut United Kingdom and the educational initiative GIMAGINE. Through workshops on project-related topics, the participants gain an insight into artistic professional fields, so that the exchange can also serve as a professional internship.


What is “Exchange2Change”?

Alumni, organisers, and the sponsoring “Friends of the Goethe-Institut United Kingdom” talk about the exchange programme and share what it means to them. 

Eine Gruppe Jugendlicher bei einem Kreativworkshop © Goethe-Institut London © Goethe-Institut London

Who is eligible to apply?

  • We welcome applications from young people who are between 14 and 17 years old at the time of the exchange.
  • The programme is directed at young people who do not learn German yet. 
  • You should be prepared to get involved in a group process and, if necessary, establish contact with a youth centre/an alternative learning facility.
  • You should also have an interest in artistic creation.
  • You will need a letter of recommendation from a teacher or community organiser.
So, please start your application process early to not miss out!

Exchange2Change London 2023

Eine Gruppe Jugendlicher in London © Goethe-Institut London © Goethe-Institut London

Exchange2Change Berlin 2023

Eine Gruppe Jugendlicher beim Goethe-Institut London © Goethe-Institut London © Goethe-Institut London


In our FAQs, we relay some additional information about the following details.


Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Logo: GIMAGINE project

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