DLL Deutsch Lehren Lernen zum Kennenlernen

DLL-Einheiten in Printform, Frau mit Computer © Goethe-Institut London

Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL) is the Goethe-Institut's innovative professional development programme: teachers working in primary, secondary or in adult education can refresh their didactic knowledge and skills. Reflecting on one' s own teaching experiences as well as trying out new impulses are central aspects of the DLL courses.

In this training series you can get a taste of DLL (Deutsch Lehren Lernen), which is offered regularly in North West Europe for teachers of German as a Foreign Language. In the one-and-a-half-hour workshops, there are two to three focus topics in which you will take a close look at aspects of selected DLL units and gain new impulses for your German lessons.

You can register for all or selected online workshops. Please indicate your choice in the registration form.

Portrait photo showing the lecturer Christiane Bolte ©Christiane Bolte Speaker
Christiane Bolte-Costabiei has worked as a trainer for teachers of German as a foreign language at Goethe-Instituts around the world. Furthermore, she is involved in the development of various (online) Goethe-DaF materials (e.g. GAVE German-American Virtual Exchange), teaching materials and textbooks for publishers (e.g. Linie 1 Pflege, Klett) and (online) courses (e.g. Digital teaching in schools).

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