德國聯合攤位位置 Our Joint German Booth
展館 Hall: 1DE | 攤位編號 Booth No.: 1E – C22-24
在即將舉行的2025年教育及職業博覽上,香港歌德學院(GI) 與德意志學術交流中心(DAAD) 及德國駐香港總領事館(GK) 將於聯合攤位為大眾提供德國升學及教育資訊。這次活動由香港貿發局主辦,是香港最大型的教育及職業展覽,為期2025年1月16日至1月19日,旨在為參觀人士提供各式各樣的升學及就業資訊。
The Goethe-Institut (GI) will be part of the German booth with the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany (GK) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the HKTDC Education and Careers Expo 2025 - Hong Kong’s largest education fair, from 16th until 19th January 2025.
At the German booth, visitors can receive information on learning German and study opportunities in Germany, as well as learn about the Working Holiday Scheme in Germany. The Goethe-Institut will provide information about its German language courses in Hong Kong.
In our information seminars, we will also present opportunities for studying in Germany and varieties of the scholarship programmes
We look forward to your visit at the German booth and will be pleased to offer you advice for your future plans!
◣Seminar: Study in Germany (English)
Education Forum, Hall 1D | 18/01 (Sat) 14:55
By Stefanie Walter (GK), Kathrin Bode (DAAD) and Eva Korb (GI)
◣德國工作假期講座 (廣東話)
Open Forum, Hall 1E | 19/01 (Sun) 13:35
By Karin Cheung (GK) and alumni
◣德國升學講座 (廣東話)
Education Forum, Hall 1D | 19/01 (Sun) 14:05
By Iris Cheng (GK), Maik Cheung (GI)