How does an autonomous vehicle drive? Why do seashells sound like the ocean? What do an airplane and an aluminum can have in common? How does a 3D printer work? Children often ask these and many more “how” and “why” questions on a daily basis. At the German Digital Kinderuniversity, your children will find the answers to these questions and many more!
The concept of a children’s university is widespread in Germany: most German universities offer teaching units led by well-known professors to children ages 8 to 12.
But don’t worry—we won’t force your child to memorize formulas or take exams. On the contrary, our quirky Professor Einstein, his capable helper Sophie Schlau and the endearing robot JOWO will explain complex scientific phenomena in a manner that’s both fun and easy to understand.
In its structure, our children’s university is very similar to a normal university. The children enroll in 3 subject areas, each comprising 15 lectures:
By solving a series of unusual — and rather non-scholastic — assignments, young students collect badges that help them advance through the university’s course of studies: after completing a Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degree, children eventually graduate from the Kinderuniversity as a Professor.
This elaborate system is based on a highly successful modern didactic method called “gamification.”
We wanted our university to be completely accessible to the public. In today’s world, the best method for achieving this is by going online. This gives every child, even in the farthest corners of the country, the opportunity to develop an interest in STE(A)M topics.
Another goal is to familiarize children with working with different media. Media literacy is a relatively new field that is not (yet) taught in every school and some media users lack sufficient media literacy. The Digital Kinderuniversity teaches children to use media in a knowledgeable and responsible manner.
The earlier a child is immersed in foreign languages, the more likely it is that that child will learn multiple languages with ease. Current didactic methodology has proven that learning languages is more interesting and easier if, instead of learning from a textbook, like we’re used to, children learn using the so-called CLIL method (content and language integrated learning). The idea is a simple one: students immediately put a foreign language to use in a variety of new assignments. A student might, for example, do a physical experiment, solve an exercise, and write down the results—all in German.
Germany has a rich tradition in the sciences. It is the country where the printing press, the lightbulb, the telephone, the dynamo, the car, the diesel motor, and the MP3 format were invented, vacuums and X-rays were discovered and the theory of relativity was developed.
Today, German is the world’s second-most-important language for scientific study, and Germany ranks third in funding for scientific research, making it a significant contributor to the advancement of science.
Don't hesitate to enroll your child in the German Digital Kinderuniversity! Our university is bilingual: Lectures are in German and in English with English and German subtitles.
The Kinderuni is not a language school. Its main goal is to introduce children to the world of science. Learning a few words in German is a bonus.
The workload is entirely up to you and your child. Once a child begins a task, it's likely that he or she will be fascinated with and and won't want to stop. Especially in the first years of school, however, it is important that parents track their learning progress. Studying at the Kinderuni is most effective with 2-3 hours of work per week, no more than 30 minutes per day. This also ensures that your child's vision is not impaired.
A majority of the videos are from the popular and generation-spanning German TV show “Sendung mit der Maus” (The Show with the Mouse). Didactic materials and experiments were developed by didactic experts of the Goethe-Institut. The online implementation was done by the German agency “KIDS Interactive” which specializes in children's media.
Eva Korb
Head of Language Department
Goethe-Institut Hongkong
Email: eva.korb@goethe.de
Irene Sin
Librarian and School Coordinator
Goethe-Institut Hongkong
E-Mail-Adresse: Oi-Wan-Irene.Sin@goethe.de