Film Screening Coconut Hero

Coconut Hero © Majestic

6.30 -9 PM

Bandung Creative Hub

Director: Florian Cossen, colour, 101 Min., 2015

Alex Ozerov, Bea Santos, Krista Bridges, Sebastian Schipper, Jim Anann, R.D. Reid, David Thompa, Jeff Klarke, Udo Kier.
Abandoned by his father at an early age and teased at school, Mike Tyson (his name is the least of his problems) has long wished he were dead. He is 16 years old and lives alone with his motheer in a small town in the middle of nowhere in northern Canada. Following a failed suicide attemp, Mike is forced to take a course of life-affirming therapy. When a fatal brain tumour is detected during a routine examination at hospital, Mike sees it as the answer to his prayers. However when, Mike meets Miranda, the first person to truly understand him, he develops an entrirely new wish.
Likeable characters, suprising twist and turns, atmospheric image oft he Canadian provinces and a cool soundtrack make Florian von Cossen’s film about life and death a real must-see. A German film that has all the hallmarks of an American independent.
