Live Talk Arthouse Cinema Talk #2: Politics of Space and Body

Arthouse Cinema Talk #2: Politics of Space and Body © Goethe-Institut Indonesien

7.30 PM

Youtube Goethe-Institut Indonesien


With Afrian Purnama, Anggraeni Dwi Widhiasih, Arsita Iswardhani and, Taufiqurrahman Kifu

Arthouse Cinema Talk #2: Politics of Space and Body takes a close look at two films in the Arthouse Cinema program: Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen / Even Dwarfs Started Small (1970) by Werner Herzog and Angst essen Seele auf / Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974) by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The speakers explore the ways in which Herzog and Fassbinder in their respective films give body and space a cinematic frame.

Body and space are present as visual elements in the films. Their presence, however, requires a certain “frame”, particularly in terms of design and performativity. Body and space are always in a dynamic relationship to each other, which shapes the context landscape or is shaped by it. While Herzog in Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen embeds the elements body and space in questions of control, Fassbinder chooses issues of ethnic origin as a framework in Angst essen Seele auf.

To project: Arthouse Cinema
