Training Design Thinking: Career Planning for Artists

Training Design Thinking: Karriereplanung für Künstlerinnen und Künstler & PMW © Goethe-Institut Indonesien

08. - 12.04.2019

Gedung Balai Ekspresi Sungging PrabangkaraKampus II ISI Surakarta

Goethe-Institut Indonesien in partnership with Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta present a five-day Design Thinking training to selected fourth-semester students at the Faculty of Performing Arts or the Faculty of Art & Design and creatives from Surakarta as part of the Student Entrepreneur Program of the Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub Solo (CEHS).
Through exciting discussions, field practice, and group work; the participants will acquire the method of Design Thinking, a systematic approach to generating ideas, solving problems and fostering innovation. They will also obtain the skills to:
  • map their own interests, capabilities and personal expertise to understand how to best use their individual set of skills to explore new opportunities in the field of art and culture,
  • analyze and understand potential audiences/ customers,
  • connect their artistic work with the needs and desires of audiences/ customers, and
  • master the method of Design Thinking as a structured approach to innovation. (Design Thinking skills will be required for ISI Surakarta students to participate in the Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha (PMW) competition in May 2019). 
The training will be led by Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo, CEHS Manager-Consultant who will be accompanied by selected lecturers from ISI Surakarta. In addition to that, there will be two industry experts that will also share the consumers/users necessity and also consumer constraints and advantages.
The training Design Thinking: Career Planning for Artists is part of the Student Entrepreneur Program of the Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub Solo. CEHS is a project by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with ISI Surakarta. The concept for CEHS was developed as part of the project „Cultural Entrepreneurship Hubs“ by Goethe-Institut and Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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