© Prayrit Singh / Colourbox

Workshops for teachers and students

New Delhi


According to the United Nations, Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

How exactly can we achieve this? How can students and teachers contribute to the sustainable development of our society? - Ökomantra answers it all!


In September 2015, all member states of the United Nations (UN) agreed on common goals for sustainable development Agenda 2030. Keeping these 17 goals in view Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan invites students and teachers to explore the topic of sustainability and share their strategies for sustainable approaches to everyday life.

With these 17 goals in mind, the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi invites students and teachers to explore the topic of sustainability and share their strategies for sustainable approaches in everyday life.


The school students:
  • are sensitized for topics of sustainability and environmental protection and environmental issues that they encounter in their everyday lives and that are relevant to them.
  • know the concept of sustainability as well as different topics that the concept encompasses (e.g.: Renewable energy, plastic avoidance, recycling and fair trade etc.)
  • are able to measure their own ecological footprint and reflect on their contribution to environmental protection and sustainability and discuss this among their peers.
    can independently document their learning progress in the form of a portfolio,
  • can collect concrete ideas and suggestions for more sustainable lifestyles, in order to put what they have learned into practice,
    can come up with projects and initiatives to help their fellow young people adapt a sustainable lifestyle.
The teachers:
  • would be trained in the use and integration of online communication tools (Skype, Microsoft Teams, Zoom) in the (language) classroom, and support in DaF lessons, sustainable topics such as food sharing, national parks, travel, unpacking shops city gardens and many others can be taught in an interesting way. 
  • In our active online workshop, you will receive many practical suggestions for effective, varied lessons for young people.
  • The contents will not only be presented theoretically, but above all tried out practically, so that all teachers get a better idea and can use the sustainable topics directly in their lessons and connect them with curriculum.


  • Students in classes 9 to 12
  • German teachers
Workshop series for students 07.06.2021 - 10.06.2021 (6 Workshops) with Mr. Miguel Rezzani and Ms. Malgorzata Kupis
Workshop for teachers
15.06.2021  with Ms. Agnieszka Krajewska

Interested? Write to  shilpa.sharma@goethe.de


New Delhi


