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Max Mueller Bhavan | India Bangalore


5:00 PM

Everything & Nothing by Lina Gómez

Movement Performance

  • Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts, Bangalore, Bangalore

  • Price Free Entry. Please register!

Lina Gómez_Final Presentation_2nd year Image (Ausschnitt): © Lina Gómez

Choreography is not just her profession, but her passion! And Lina Gómez found both inspiration and resources in the Diploma students of her host, Attakkalari Centre for Contemporary Dance, during her bangaloREsidency.

Together with the second-year students Lina Gómez has created Everything & Nothing.

The evening is an attempt to share with you an experience of limitless possibilities created in space. You are welcome to indulge in absolutely nothing and we hope you take everything:

Everything & Nothing - Lina Gómez_Attakkalari Photo: © Laura Fiorio Learn from observing others. Have no opinion. Love yourself. You can go as far as you want to. Look stupid, it's okay. It's about the process more than the product. 

Wind. Water. Unique. Interesting. Fearless. Sexy. Waves. Spirals. Smoke. Soft. Calm. Funny. Internal. Feeling. Pure love. Free. Swift. Strength. Innocent. Energy. Happy. Grounded. Space. Confidence. Beautiful.

This is what makes you. 
This is what makes us. 
This is a safe space.

Please register!