Saturday, 7 - Saturday, 14 November, 2020
Bed Bug Intimacy: Do let the bedbugs bite
Five Million Incidents | Intervention/Performance | By Bazik Thlana
Online Kolkata
- Part of series: Five Million Incidents: Kolkata
© Bazik Thlana
Bed Bug Intimacy is a series of events that puts itself forth as a mode of singularity. It revolves around bed bugs - the enigmatic, blood sucking, unwanted parasite acting as a catalyst for metaphorical questions or otherwise. The series examines socio-political resubjectivation through the shifting conditioning of sleep and wakefulness. For this project, participants are encouraged to react to the propositions and exordiums and inhabit the space created for the project.
In Do let the bedbugs bite An automated phone call introducing guests to a world hosted by a bed teeming with other beings through bedtime stories. By co-inhabiting space with these beings, we are invited to enter an unfamiliar ecology. We enter at our own risk to interact, to assimilate, to morph or to interrupt.
In Do let the bedbugs bite An automated phone call introducing guests to a world hosted by a bed teeming with other beings through bedtime stories. By co-inhabiting space with these beings, we are invited to enter an unfamiliar ecology. We enter at our own risk to interact, to assimilate, to morph or to interrupt.
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Online Kolkata
Online Kolkata