Film Festival
Freedom Film Festival


PJ Live Arts, Jaya One

The Freedom Film Fest carries the theme “Mend The Gap” and draws inspiration from the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which states that “no one should be left behind”. The festival will feature more than 50 films, 15 thematic talks and workshops and will play host to filmmakers and activists from Germany, France, US, Taiwan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar and Singapore.
We are delighted to welcome the director and cinematographer Joakim Demmer from Sweden, based in Berlin, to the FFF 2018.
From 1995 to 2001 Joakim Demmer studied directing at the German Academy of Film & Television (dffb) in Berlin and has been working as a filmmaker and cinematographer in Germany, Sweden and Switzerland since then.

The following programs involve Joakim Demmer and films from Germany:
The IDFA Pitch
Mon, October 01 / 11am - 1pm / The School
The IDFA Pitch is open to any filmmaker who wishes to pitch their social and environmental justice film project at FFF2018 and will stand the chance to win a grant to participate in the IDFA Academy and the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam in November 2018.
This year two award-winning filmmakers are mentors of the IDFA workshop and pitching session – Huang Hui-Chen and Joakim Demmer.
Workshop: Taking Local Stories To The Next Level by Joakim Demmer
Mon, October 01 / 2 - 5pm / The School
In the workshop, Joakim Demmer will discuss possible paths and strategies for taking local stories to the next level. Unique stories in communities with potential to become longer documentaries, some even with an international potential. Longer formats acquire different thinking, the production-structures and channels are different and in cases of international co-productions there might be cultural and language barriers.
Film screening: Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas
Dir: Joakim Demmer, 90 min, Sweden, Germany, Finland 2017
Mon, October 01 / 8 - 10pm / PJ Live Arts
Farmland – the new green gold. Hoping for export revenues, Ethiopia’s government leases millions of hectares of farmland to foreign investors. But the dream of prosperity has a dark side where the World Bank plays a very questionable role. Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas investigates land grabbing and its impact on people’s lives. Pursuing the truth, we meet investors, development bureaucrats, persecuted journalists, struggling environmentalists and evicted farmers deprived of their land.
Film screening: The Cleaners
Dir: Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck, 90 min, Germany, Philippines 2018
Thurs, October 04 / 8-10pm / PJ Live Arts
Any video or image can be uploaded to the web through social media. This does not, however, mean that all such material will remain there. Tens of thousands of “cleaners” work behind the scenes to ensure that only approved content is accessible to users. The role of cleaners, hired by companies such as Facebook or Google, is to search for and delete inappropriate content. Although they work undercover, the filmmakers have managed to contact some of the “content moderators” working in the Filipino capital of Manila. Their experiences include the appalling ordeal of finding child pornography or recordings of Islamic murders. The gradual devastation of the moderators’ psyches is not the only problem within this profession. Another flaw is that content is often deemed inappropriate if it does not suit the governments of individual countries or if, for instance, it tells about the reality of wartime conflicts in an alarming manner. At which point does the effort to prevent the spread of evil become dangerous censorship?

The Freedom Film Festival is supported by the Goethe-Institut Malaysia.


PJ Live Arts, Jaya One

Jaya 1

Petaling Jaya