Presentation Enter Africa - Landmarkz

Enter Africa © Goethe-Institut Ethiopia

Fri, 21.06.2019

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Namibia

Presenting a digital game developed in Windhoek

For over a year now, a young group of students created a local game regarding the City of Windhoek’s development and history with the support of the Goethe-Institut Namibia. Under the title “Enter Africa” and with the support of a project team in Addis Ababa, location-based games have been created at 15 different places in Africa.
With the support of professional and experienced game developers, all teams in all 15 cities created their own game plots regarding a variety of topics. The project’s focus was not the demanding process of finding software solutions but rather for a creative discourse between young people and their cities and habitats.
After over a year of developing, Tutaleni Ilonga, Paulus Kanduushi and Kondjashili Shaimemanga will present „Landmarkz“, a game around and about Windhoek.
Additionally to the presentation of their own game, a variety of other electronic games will be available.
