Black Solidarity in a Global Context

Black Solidarity in a Global Context

In the spirit of Audre Lorde, who encouraged Afro-Germans to make themselves visible within a culture that kept them isolated and silent, Black Solidarity in a Global Context is a month of programming that explores the deep roots of art, activism, and culture between Germany and the Black world.
With the rise of new far-right movements globally, international solidarity and the exchange of artistic and activist practices are an increasingly important aspect of anti-racist work. While new knowledge is now almost immediately shared via social media, this solidarity has a rich, often hidden history. From Black GIs who recognized the linked threats of American racism and European fascism, to international anti-apartheid work and the Black power movement, Black activists have consistently shared tactics and inspiration in the ever-present struggle against white supremacy. Through film screenings, talks, and panel discussions, this event series sheds light on both the often-lost history of transatlantic Black history and contemporary movements for creative expression, solidarity, and equality across the African diaspora.
Co-presented with Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York

Design: Other Means
