German Book Club
Stefan Zweig: Erasmus of Rotterdam

Detail Buchumschlag Stefan Zweig "Erasmus von Rotterdam" von Hans Holbein d. J.
© Louvre

Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

At the January 2018 meeting the German Book Club will read and discuss "Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam" by Stefan Zweig 

Hailed as a parable for modern times, Erasmus of Rotterdam is the biography of a great humanist who, when pressed for a confession of faith, said, “I love freedom, and I will not and cannot serve any party.”
At no time does Zweig mention Hitler by name, but it is obvious that his biography of a man who tried to remain above the battle, and who was torn to pieces by both Lutherans and Catholics, was aimed to illustrate the predicament of a man who refrains from activism and prefers to focus on his work.

Verlag: FISCHER Taschenbuch
ISBN-10: 3596222796
ISBN-13: 978-3596222797 

Free text at the Gutenberg Project - Stefan Zweig: Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam

This meeting of the German Book Club will be moderated by Rosemarie Bayles.



Goethe-Institut Los Angeles

1901 W. 7th Str.
Suite A/B
Los Angeles, CA 90057

Language: Discussion in German
Price: Free Admission

Part of series GERMAN BOOK CLUB