Book Club German Book Club Reads Max Bronski

Deutscher Buchklub Liest Max Bronski Kunstmann Verlag


Goethe-Institut New York

At the September German Book Club meeting we will discuss Max Bronski's crime novel Mad Dog Boogie (Kunstmann Verlag, ISBN: 978-3956140563, € 14,95).

Alex Dunbar, a gifted guitarist, rocked his way through the 70s fueled by psychedelic drugs until a bad trip at a legendary rock festival near Munich cut his career short. Ever since, he has suffered from a drug-induced psychosis, and has been racked with guilt over the death of his lover, who was brutally beaten, allegedly by his own hands.  Yet Alex can’t really remember it and has been in psychiatric care in rural Bavaria for years.  Only when he accidentally gets a severe blow to the head do the memories return. The old, confused hippie Alex befriends Ben, a young punk with Tourette’s syndrome and Willi, a gentle giant, and this unusual trio takes off on a turbulent journey into the past.  ith the help of Alex’s therapist they try to find the truth behind the bewildering dreams and actual memories: Was Alex Dunbar the murderer?

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