Film screening Grüße aus Fukushima (2016) von Doris Dörrie

Grüße aus Fukushima (2016), Doris Dörrie ©

Thu, 31.10.2019

Goethe-Institut Hanoi

Filmscreenings about the image of the woman in the context of the Kieu-program

In the context of the project THE GIRL KIEU the Goethe institute in concerned about the current image of women in society and the arts. Accompanying this project the institute is showing two German films.

„Grüße aus Fukushima“ deals with the relationship between two very different women, who have been brought together by accident and learn through each other how to deal with their past. Through their growing friendship they draw new trust and new perspectives for their lives. Both main characters slowly learn how to cope with their ballast and begin to take new paths in life.

The connection to the engagement with the epic TRUYEN KIEU lies in the hopelessness and disorientation, which applies to the respective lives of both women.

Both of them go on a search for a future, which is worth living. The film was produced after the nuclear catastrophe in Fokushima.

