Photo-documentary The Green Migration - The photobook and its making

The Green Migration Photo: © Giang Pham

Sat, 18.12.2021

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Online Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong

The Green Migration is a photo-documentary in which Giang Pham aims to follow his interest in the theme of Sustainable Development. Specifically, this project explores stories of young people who are "leaving the city for the village", a rising wave of reverse migration from cities to rural areas in Vietnam, in order to practice a minimal and nature-friendly lifestyle instead of the hustle and bustle of an industrial society. He also observes young urbanists and their efforts to practice agriculture at home. These stories have been presented in the “The Green Migration” photobook.

Working as a photojournalist and documentary photographer in Vietnam since 2011, Giang Pham believes in the impact of images in evoking thoughts and changing viewers' perceptions. In this event, Giang Pham will share his making of the photobook alongside with the untold stories from his 6-month journey from June to November 2021.

This event is made possible by Goethe-Institut in Ho Chi Minh City and is a part of the Ignite Creativity Grant initiative.

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Meeting ID: 856 3110 5829

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