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Chapter LINGO macht MINT issue 1: water for living

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden

The first issue of the magazine series Lingo macht MINT offers young learners of German the opportunity to explore the source of all life, water.

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© Eduversum GmbH, Wiesbaden


The Editorial gives learners an introduction to the topic. It shows learners that there are different amounts of water in different places in the world. They also learn, what we need water for and which types of water there are. The tech-segment is about water consumption and water pollution. Afterwards the learners develop ideas to save water. The subject biology is about the correlation between water, living beings and plants. During two experiments the learners can become active themselves. They explore, how much water is in a cucumber and observe how water gets into every single cell of a plant. The physics-part is about the aggregate states, which are made experienceable during two experiments. The subject math is about calculating with quantities. Here the learners can apply their knowledge in an experiment about a dripping faucet. In the end the subject geography is about the question where water comes from and how water is connected to the weather.

The learning objectives are:
  • to critically examine the topic of "water" and question their own water consumption
  • to develop new facts independently and in cooperation with learning partners
  • to extract essential technical information from didactic reading texts, supported by linguistic and methodological aids
  • to write sentences and short texts about facts in the subject area "water
  • to acquire basic thematic vocabulary and technical terms and use them factually and contextually
  • to be able to find specific information and to take first steps towards text production by reformulating or supplementing given texts

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SeriesLINGO macht MINT

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

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