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Wie gut ist lecker? Learning about sustainability and food auf Deutsch

Food is one of the most popular topics in the German class and for a good reason! Here you will find interactive tasks and assignments on the topic "Sustainable food".

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1 hits

Fit with Goethe: Learning videos

  • Number of downloads:183848
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2


Food is one of the most popular topics in the German class and for a good reason! Rather than reinforcing existing stereotypes about Bratwurst und Bier, this topic offers many opportunities to deconstruct clichés and invite self-reflection and critical thinking about the bigger discourses of our times, such as sustainability. There are three modules of free interactive tasks and assignments for students around the topic of sustainable food. The interactive worksheets are designed for third year German students or higher and can be used for project-based learning or in online classes. The three modules are: ''Schokolade,'' ''Grün, bunt, gesund!" and "Tierisch lecker?". In addition to the 10 interactive worksheets, each module has an elective menu that focuses on interdisciplinary project work. In this way, learners discover a variety of links between the topic of ''food'' and other fields and areas of interest, such as mathematics, art, design, and STEM.

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