Toby Walsh

Toby Walsh © Toby Walsh Professor Toby Walsh is a leading researcher in artificial intelli-gence and holds the position of Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence at University of New South Wales and Data61. He has been elected a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and has won the prestigious Humboldt Research Award. He has previously held research positions around the world.

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My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is… “Beautiful the World”, Australian’s winning entry in the first ever Eurovision-inspired AI Song Contest.

By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which… was the best ever personal assistant.

My worst AI nightmare is… killer robots. Not Terminator, but dumb, stupid killer robots. Especially in the hands of terrorists and despots.

The future of AI needs… many voices.

Toby Walsh's contribution: “A golden age of philosophy”: An interview with Toby Walsh