Association for Language Learning

The Association for Language Learning (ALL) is the leading subject Association for language professionals in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. ALL’s core aims, outlined in its Constitution, are advancing public understanding of language learning and the techniques and approaches for successful language teaching at all levels; promoting improved standards of language teaching and providing information and publications as well as organising professional development activities for all language teachers at every stage of their career. 
Strategic direction is set by the Board of Trustees, advised by a Council elected by the membership. ALL has a primary and secondary steering group, various Special Interest Groups, an initial educator forum, regional branches, networks and hubs tasked with promoting the work of ALL in their own regions, and cascading information about new professional development and networking opportunities. ALL has an active social media presence and a dedicated website with a wide range of content being open access (as well as some specifically for ALL members). ALL keeps its membership informed through a weekly electronic newsletter, its Languages Today magazine and online webinars. The majority of activities nationally, regionally and locally are volunteer-led and supported by corporate members. ALL publishes in partnership with Taylor & Francis the renowned Language Learning Journal.
ALL’s annual flagship conference Language World has brought together the language community for over 30 years.
ALL is member of several international organisations and has proactively been involved in a number of European projects. 
Social media:
Twitter: @ALL4Language