IIS Vittorio Emanuele II

The upper secondary school “Vittorio Emanuele II” is located in the city of Naples, Italy. It includes about 900 students and 130 teachers, and it offers three courses of study:

The Economic and Technical High School prepares professionals for the planning, management, promoting of activities of companies operating in an international context.

The Vocational High School for Commercial and Advertising Services prepares professionals in the field of design and management of graphic and multimedia communication products.

The Vocational High School for Health and Social Services prepares professionals dealing with the social and health needs of people, communities and vulnerable groups, aiming at the promotion of health, well-being and social inclusion. 

"The school that prepares you for the future" is our motto. The educational success of our students is achieved through ongoing experimentation and renewal of teaching and learning processes.

We strongly believe in the potential of digital education, hence we foster projects focused on innovation, both at in-school level and in co-planning and cooperation with other national and/or international educational agencies, in a perspective of exchanging educational and cultural experiences with other contexts and countries. We have thus been taking part for years in Erasmus+ projects and, as a result of our long-standing experience in european school networks, we are a recognised eTwinning School.

Moreover, as we strongly believe in multilingual education, our school fosters foreign language certifications among students and teachers, it promotes the participation of students in international internship programs, and is part of the EsaBacTechno network.
