Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Me & My Robot

المدرسة الثانوية (12-16 سنة)

Each year, students from around the planet compete in the World Robot Olympiad. The film accompanies 17 teams from 9 different countries preparing for the competition. Using video diaries of the children themselves, we see their trials and tribulations as they head to Thailand for the 2018 finals. This isn’t just a story about winners and losers, but something much bigger. This unique event brings together children from around the world to work in the common language of engineering. With the power technology to change the world, they will solve some of the most complex problems we face.

Sustainable Development Goals

9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • الفئة علم البيئة والبيئةالعلوم الطبيعية وعلوم الحياة والتكنولوجيا

  • مدير Mark Decena
  • الإنتاج Kontent Films
  • مدة العرض 38:18 دقائق
  • البلد تايلاند, الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
  • السنة 2019

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