Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Merengue Joe - Why is the Sky Blue?

المتعلمين الصغار (5-8 سنوات)

The protagonist in this short film wants to know why the sky is blue. But his father, who is actually a scientist, doesn´t have time to answer that question. So, he asks his pet Merengue Joe, a hamster, who of course is a scientist as well.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 - Quality Education

  • الفئة الأفلام القصيرة غير اللفظية والعلمية

  • العنوان الأصلى Merengue Joe – Por quê o céu é azul?
  • مدير Adalberto Miki
  • الإنتاج Mauricio Fernandes
  • مدة العرض 2:40 دقائق
  • البلد Brazil
  • السنة 2019

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