Welcome Coaches

Since July 2023 six Welcome Coaches serve as points of contact for new migrants, who are third-country nationals coming to Germany with a visa for professional or personal reasons, during the transition phase and after their arrival in Germany.

Willkommenscoaches an den Goethe-Instituten in Deutschland © Goethe-Institut

Even before they leave the origin country, new migrants have access to Welcome Coaches as a point of contact who can provide specific information to help them get started in their destination in Germany.
As soon as they arrive, new migrants can attend events at six Goethe-Institutes in Germany, as well as at the Infohäuser, covering relevant themes (e.g. living, working, contact with local people, learning German etc.). These events are organised by the Welcome Coaches together with cooperation partners.
They will also receive a summary of the local integration pathway and details of the main contact centres. The goal is to make it easier to access the official integration services.

You can find further information about the activities and events provided by the Welcome Coaches in this calendar:


Welcome Coaches

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