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Junioruni-Studio© Goethe-Institut

The JuniorUni is a free educational project of the Goethe-Institut for young people. It offers the opportunity to find answers to the most exciting questions from the fields of robotics, space travel, technologies, science, energy and sustainability and to learn German at the same time. 

Account for Teachers

To use didactic materials, register as a teacher. Please note that the Juniouruni platform currently only works on computers or laptops, not tablets.

Unit Planners

Fiind here unit planners with links to the Australian Curriculum for each Junioruni lecture.

Die Welt der virtuellen Realität © Alexandr Screaghin|istock.com

Die Welt der virtuellen Realität

Based on the lecture "360°" on the JuniorUni platform, these additional materials will give students the opportunity to get to know the JuniorUni and to engage with the topic of virtual worlds.


Content & Language Integrated Learning = CLIL. Here you can find out everything about the didactic concept of the JuniorUni and one of the leading methods of modern foreign language learning.
