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Motasa'a©Goethe-Institut Jordanien


Motasa'a: Nachhaltigkeit von unabhängigen Kulturorten in Jordanien, Frankreich und Deutschland

Das Projekt "Motasa'a" fördert wirtschaftlich, sozial und ökologisch nachhaltige Ansätze unabhängiger Kulturorte in Jordanien, Frankreich und Deutschland, indem es den Wissensaustausch und das Peer-to-Peer-Learning stärkt.  

Acht Kulturorte aus Frankreich, Deutschland und Jordanien wurden ausgewählt, welche bereits nachhaltige Praktiken in ihrer Arbeit umsetzen. Vertreter*Innen dieser Orte haben sich im Juni 2023 gegenseitig besucht, um die Ansätze der jeweils anderen Kulturorte kennen zu lernen, sich über Best-Practices und Herausforderungen auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. 

Während einer einwöchigen intensiven Arbeitsphase Ende Juli 2023 in Jordanien, haben die Vertreter*Innen dieser Orte dann ihre Erfahrungen im Bereich wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit (wie alternative Formen der Einkommensgenerierung, soziale Inklusion, Advocacy, horizontale Entscheidungsfindung und Organisationsprozesse) zu Papier gebracht und im Rahmen eines zweitägigen Forums in Amman mit einer breiten Öffentlichkeit geteilt.    

Das Projekt wurde gemeinsam vom Goethe-Institut in Jordanien, dem Institut francais de Jordanie und MedeArts durchgeführt und durch den Deutsch-Französischen Kulturfonds finanziert.   

Für weitere Informationen, kontaktieren Sie Sophia Schall:

Lernen sie die acht Kulturorte aus Jordanien, Frankreich und Deutschland kennen (ENGL). 

ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics is an artist residency and local neighborhood hub located in a former train station in Berlin Moabit. Since 2012 ZK/U has been initiating and hosting artistic and research-related projects that connect global discourse and local practice. ZK/U is creating experimental infrastructures for commoning, it is offering urban learning opportunities and aims at tackling global challenges with artistic means. By doing so, ZK/U is dedicated to providing cultural and social opportunities to groups and citizens with less access to what cities should be offering to everyone.

Friche - Motasa'a @Goethe-Institut Amman

La Friche brings together artistic activities, modes of urban transformation, real connections to the region, and dynamic cooperation. It is both a workspace for resident organizations, resident artists and a cross-disciplinary venue hosting numerous cultural events, offering workshops and various trainings each year. It also provides an open public space that includes a community garden, a playground, a bookstore and much more.

Jadal for Knowledge and Culture is an independent socio-cultural space that fosters critical thought, art, and innovation, and provides an environment that encourages questioning, learning, collective action, and the sharing of skills, experiences, and knowledge. Jadal adopts the values of solidarity, equality, freedom and sustainability, and embraces youth projects and initiatives that are consistent with its values and mission.

kawon - Motasa'a @Goethe-Institut Amman

Kawon started as a mobile shop “book on the road” with the goal to finance the establishment of the first book shop in Madaba to promote culture and reading. Since then, the place has developed into a cultural space for youth, locals and visitors from all around the world. It offers a healthy environment to dream, to escape the daily stress, meet friends, read and learn. It offers a warm café with a garden, a vegetarian home style kitchen and hosts various cultural events. 

Le Vent - Motasa'a @Goethe-Institut Amman

« Le Vent se Lève » is a cultural place located in Paris, France. It offers a space for people to express themselves in various ways, whatever their stories or cultures are and regardless of the tools chosen, be they theatre, sound, music, dance, photography or video. « Le Vent se Lève » constantly experiments with a variety of methodologies working with different target groups be they artists, the residents of the neighbourhood, people in hospitals, prisoners or migrant workers. “We must constantly question our work and life ethics and believe in the power of imagination” (Jean-Pierre Chrétien-Goni, founder).

GarageArt - Motasa'a @Goethe-Institut Amman

‘GarageArt’ is a pioneer independent cultural space in Irbid dedicated to promoting arts and
culture, and thus values of dialogue, acceptance and respect. With GarageArt being open to everyone at all times, MedeArts provides its members and the local community a safe space to gather, exchange and create. We are hosting diverse and multifaceted cultural events, workshops, meetings, talks and forums and any kind of creative activities organized by MedeArts, our network members or partners.

Platzprojekt - Motasa'a @Goethe-Institut Amman

PLATZprojekt is a model and research project for experimental urban development in Hannover (Germany). It was established by reclaiming a vacant industrial yard in Hannover, using overseas containers as building blocks. It provides a space for exploration and innovation while creating a community of solidarity and mutual support. The space hosts various initiatives, start-ups and collectives as well as different cultural and community events, such as music, fine arts, theater, discursive formats and workshops.

MMAG - Motasa'a @Goethe-Institut Amman

MMAG strives to contribute to the future of art practice and pedagogy in its region by drawing on historical encounters and contemporary issues alike. Through art, it works to facilitate opportunities to shape responsive approaches to learning, knowledge making, sharing, and modes of dialogue. By offering a space for residencies, workshops, public programs and exhibitions, it has established itself as an essential gathering place for artists and art practitioners from the city and beyond.
