Each year, approximately 1,000 participants learn German in our local courses.
In cooperation with local partners and associations, we contribute to the professionalisation of German teaching through workshops and seminars.
Our cultural programs which are organised and initiated with our Australian partners showcase contemporary positions and voices from Germany and Europe in Australia.
In Melbourne, the Educational Cooperation Department looks after the states of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. Yearly events include - among others - VCE courses and the German Careers Day.
In Sydney, the Educational Cooperation Department looks after the states of New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland and The Northern Territory. Yearly events include - among others - zoo-days, HSC courses and the German School Film Festival.
Information about all our programs can be found on our website, as well as on Facebook: Goethe-Institut Australien, on Twitter: GI_Australien and on our Youtube Channel: GoetheAustralia. In addition, our Newsletters provide information about upcoming projects.