Víctor González Urrutia

Víctor González Urrutia  © © Archivo personal  Víctor González Urrutia © Archivo personal

Filmmaker. Born in the village of Villapaz, municipality of Jamundí, Valle del Cauca. González taught himself at a very young age how to tell the stories of his community. He started making his first films with a cell phone and with the help of natural actors, including his dad. Love Without Forgiveness was his debut in 2008. Today, he has over 30 films made, including short films, feature films, and documentaries, which have been displayed in spaces such as "We are Audiovisual," an Afro-descendant exhibit from Cinemateca Distrital, Bogotá (2018), and the International Film Festival in Cali (2014). His work has also been the subject of research in publications such as Luchas de representación: prácticas, procesos y sentidos audiovisuales colectivos en el suroccidente colombiano [Representation Struggles: collective practices, processes, and audiovisual senses in southwestern Colombia], by Camilo Aguilera and Gerylee Polanco.