Discussion / Public Reading
Literary Crossroads

Literary Crossroads Sept 17 GT
© Goethe-Institut

Abubakar Ibrahim (Nigeria) and Abdul Adan (Somalia)

Goethe-Institut Nairobi

Conversations with African Writers

The Literary Crossroads Series brings together African writers on the continent and from the diaspora to discuss contemporary trends and themes in literature. The September session will host two of Africa’s award-winning authors – Abubakar Ibrahim from Nigeria and Abdul Adan from Somalia.

Abubakar Adam Ibrahim’s debut short story collection “The Whispering Trees” was longlisted for the inaugural Etisalat Prize for Literature in 2014, with the title story shortlisted for the Caine Prize for African Writing. He has won the BBC African Performance Prize and the ANA Plateau/Amatu Braide Prize for Prose. He is a Gabriel Garcia Marquez Fellow (2013), a Civitella Ranieri Fellow (2015) and was included in the Africa39 anthology of the most promising sub-Saharan African writers under the age of 40. His first novel, “Season of Crimson Blossoms”, was published in 2015 by Parrésia Publishers in Nigeria and by Cassava Republic Press in the UK (2016).

Abdul Adan‘s first short story, “Old Ibren”, was published in African Writing in 2010 and then “A Bag of Oranges” in Kwani? later that year. In 2014, his “The Somalification of James” earned an honorable mention by the Caine Prize. 2016 was an even more remarkable year for Abdul: his short story, “The Lifebloom Gift” was shortlisted for the Caine Prize and his proposal for a novel won him a Miles Morland Scholarship.


Goethe-Institut Nairobi

No. 3, Monrovia Street
Maendeleo House

Price: Admission: free
