Literary Festival
George Town Literary Festival 2018

GTLF 2018
GTLF 2018

The annual George Town Literary Festival is the largest international literary festival in Malaysia celebrating world literature, translations and literary art. This year the festival theme is THE STATE OF FREEDOM.  The festival features authors and poets from all over the world, who engage in current topics.

From Germany Turkish writer, journalist and human rights activist Asli Erdoğan is participating. Her work – novels, essays, short stories and poetic prose – is internationally renowned and has been translated into many languages. The City in Crimson Cloak (1998) is one of her most successful novels that has been translated into English. She received more than two dozen awards for her work and her dedication to human rights activism. Asli Erdoğan is currently living in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The following programs have to take place without Asli Erdogan, as she is unable to come to Malaysian due to health reasons.

In Conversation with Aslı Erdoğan
24 November; 10.00 am–11.00 am
Event Space @CAT

 A research physicist turned writer of extraordinary power and conviction, Aslı Erdoğan is one of Turkey’s most courageous voices – as novelist, columnist, essayist – who sheds light of the great taboos: prisons, the displaced, torture, Kurdish issues, women’s rights, and continuing resistance.
Moderator: Chris Keulemans

Conversations: The Politics of Healing and the Healing of Politics
25 November; 11.15 am–12.15 pm
Heaven (Level 2), Bangunan UAB

Patriarchy, racism, colonialism and other systemic inequalities create conditions that leave some of us more vulnerable to depression and mental illnesses. Meanwhile, present-day mental healthcare often treats each of us as individual, isolated cases without connecting us to the social and political causes of our traumas. By alienating us from politics, it also prevents us from finding communal strategies towards changing the conditions that enable traumas. How then can we move beyond collective traumas towards collective healing?
Speakers: Aslı Erdoğan, Carlo Pizzati, Ivan Coyote, Jhoanna Cruz
Moderator: Katrina Jorene Maliamauv


what matters

This short movie features 30 international writers, artists and students (with Ai Weiwei, Patti Smith, Simon Rattle, Nina Hoss etc.) commemorating the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and will be screened during the GTLF 2018. The movie was produced by internationals literaturfestival berlin (ilb) on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The director of ilb, Dr. Ulrich Schreiber, will also attend the George Town Literary Festival.
The George Town Literary Festival is supported by the Goethe-Institut Malaysia and the Association of European Union National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC Malaysia).



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