8th International Short Film Festival of Cyprus

German short films

The Goethe-Institut Cyprus proudly supports the 8th International Short Film Festival of Cyprus and invites you to the screenings of the following German short films:

14.10.2018, 8:30 pm
32-bit, by Victor Orozsco Ramirez

My grandmother was convinced that the only animal that made the same mistake twice is the human being. An essay short film about my very own Internet, a parallel world where memory loss, errors, surveillance and addiction smear everything and everyone.

17.10.2018, 8:30 pm
Scheideweg – Teenage Threesome, by Arkadij Khaet

One Boy, one Girl and her Stepbrother. A date goes wrong.

18.10.2018, 8:30 pm
Die Überstellung / The transfer, by Michael Grudsky

Erez, an Israeli commissioned officer and two other soldiers have been ordered to transfer a prisoner to Megiddo prison. Along the way, a conflict arises that forces the young officer to surpass himself in order to solve the situation.

19.10.2018, 8:30 pm
Queere Tiere / Queer Animals, von Ana Angel

Gay giraffes, promiscuous bonobos and lesbian albatrosses: rapper Sookee shows that being queer is anything but unnatural.


Language: German; Subtitles: English or Greek
Price: Admission free

+357 22 674606