Four Questions

How should arts and culture being recognized, in the discourse on cities of the future (smart or otherwise)? Why is it necessary to have a cultural perspective in the global smart city discourse?
Arts and culture play a key role in building a human-centered, livable city. Cultural activities increase the appeal of cities and promote cultural and social comprehension and tolerance.
The importance of cities in solving global challenges is growing. Future solutions will be co-created in collaboration across different fields. This work need to include citizens and communities. Cultural fields can offer these developments new tools and processes in order to create shared visions and meanings, engagement and ownership.
How should/can we talk about smart city and urban transformation beyond technology and infrastructure?
Empathy, human-centered approach and engaging citizens and communities in city development is essential. Transparency and participation create trust and increase quality of life.
What is the connection of arts and cultural practice and technology in (future) urban societies?
See question 1.
Please share your expert prediction or utopian view of the city of the future.
The future city is clean and safe. Sustainable and walkable. Equal and shared. Human and co-designed. Valued and loved.