Tactogram (2021)

Tactogram or ‘Tactile Pictogram’ is a universal orientation and mobility system designed based on the hierarchy of information needs by the visually impaired while they are in public spaces. Those information hierarchies represent in geometry. Tactogram forms are read schematically through a shape discrimination
technique and understood the meaning semantically. The selection of geometric shapes as a visual system is not only considered to be identified precisely but also to optimize the performance of System Working Memory (SWM).

© Fariz Fadhlillah
Tactogram Square 2 © Fariz Fadhlillah

Fariz Fadhlillah

Fariz Fadhlillah is a researcher and a designer for inclusive technology. He is interested in neuroscience, universal design, and public space planning topic. Through his experience building Tactogram since 2018, he is now focusing on developing tactile-based science as an information system to cope with the future global vision health challenges. His research examines the potential and advantages of tactile media with primitive technology to become a more efficient technology design system, especially for developing countries that often encounter funding problems in growing more massive inclusive public spaces.