KINO! Film Salon: Wings of Desire

2:00pm EST
Language: EnglishPrice: Free admission Registration required
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KINO! Film Salon is a monthly online club to discuss films from Germany.
How it works: Each month we choose a German film or series currently available to stream on U.S. platforms, watch it independently, and come together for a hosted conversation with other fans of German film.
Our May edition will be presented live from the Cannes Film Festival, where celebrated director Wim Wenders will premiere two new films. In his honor, we will discuss one of his earlier works, Wings of Desire. Justifiably lauded as a modern masterpiece, the film earns its place in the canon of cinema art from the luminous opening frames. Essentially a fantasy, Wings of Desire offers a simple premise: angels watching over Berlin are privy to the innermost thoughts of its occupants. However, the film’s magic lies in its ability to articulate the nuances of relatable, sometimes painful, human emotion. Capturing a vision of Berlin only a couple of years before Europe saw radical changes, Wenders’ film builds into a near operatic impression of the city, and perhaps the planet, as a place of love, loss, contemplation, and melancholy. Wings of Desire is an indelible, extraordinary achievement.
Hosted by Jim Kolmar
Jim programs for SXSW and Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival, and was a founding committee member of Festival Internacional de Cine Tulum (FICTU). He has participated in numerous international festival juries, panels, and committees.
KINO! Film Salon is a production of Telescope Film, in partnership with the German Film Office.
Der Himmel über Berlin
Dir. Wim Wenders
Germany, 1987
127 minutes
With Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sander, Curt Bois, Peter Fal