Tecnologias Domínio público / Acervo Arquivo Nacional

Érica Azzellini, Communications Manager, and Giovanna Fontenelle, Projects Manager at Wiki Movement; Bruno Bucalon, Technical Assistant - Moreira Salles Institute

The GLAM-Wiki initiatives provide an opportunity to heritage institutions to integrate into the digital environment—at once freely, interconnected and technologically. This is a step-by-step on how the wiki platforms help cultural institutions in the era of digital convergence, as in the case of the Wikification of the IMS.
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Tecnologias Domínio público / Acervo Arquivo Nacional

Joanna Americano Castilho, Coordinator of the Center for Digitization, Image Processing and Digital Printing, and Roberta Zanatta, Coordinator of the Center for Cataloguing and Indexing - Moreira Salles Institute

The primary mission of the Center for Digitization, Image Processing and Digital Printing, is to guarantee that the digital representations and printed images of the collection reflect the concept of unity and quality of digitization. Based on this, the Center for Cataloguing and Indexing enters the files into the IMS database. Learn more about the technologies involved in these processes.
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