About Retas Budaya

Retas Budaya is a program that brings together GLAM institutions (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) with creative minds and tech enthusiasts to bring about collaborations and innovations deriving from open cultural data.
It is a collaborative program between Indonesian Directorate General of Culture, Wikimedia Indonesia, the Indonesian Game Association, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), PT Elex Media Komputindo & Rekata (Gramedia Writing Project), and Goethe-Institut Indonesien.
Retas Budaya collaborates with institutions and organizations that have cultural collections in order to publish portions of their collections as open cultural data.

Why organize Retas Budaya?

When was the last time you visited a museum or saw an exhibition in an art gallery? How many collections did you enjoy? Did you know that the collection on display represents only a small part of the entire owned collection? Cultural institutions such as art galleries, libraries, archiving agencies, and museums have abundant collections that have been accumulated for decades or even centuries. However, the public has access and can enjoy only about 30% of that abundance.
What would happen if most of the collection could be easily accessed by the public? Or if people could also use it in their own artwork or creations with different and new interpretations?
It might be difficult for someone on the island of Java to be able to see and hear the Tifa soundwithout going to Papua or Maluku or being able to hear Jungga’s passage without going to Sumba. However, a window to see this diverse cultural richness can be opened by utilizing existing technology.
The richness of Indonesian culture should be enjoyed by all people. Democratizing cultural archives broadens access while permitting the public to learn about and appreciate Indonesian culture.
Retas Budaya was launched with the awareness that culture belongs to all of us, not only to researchers, academics, or government institutions. Therefore, cultural archives must be able to be enjoyed by the public without high entrace fees and other contraints on access. Retas Budaya does not stop at access—utilization is also of importance. If the public is given the flexibility to reuse cultural archives with their own creativity, cultural archives will become richer and will not be threatened by public access. For example, a classical painting can be reimagined into all sorts of product designs, such as phone cases, shirts, shoes, lamp covers and so much more.

What are the goals of Retas Budaya?

The goal of Retas Budaya is to make cultural data in Indonesia freely accessible for everyone to use, share, and modify to enable creative reuse.

What are the activities under Retas Budaya?

Retas Budaya cooperates with cultural institutions in opening cultural data to the public and invites the public to use it creatively so that the institution can also benefit when the cultural data is transformed. There will be public creation events & workshops and an open cultural data festival.

What is Open Cultural Data?

Open cultural data is cultural information in various formats (text, manuscripts, pictures, photos, sounds, videos etc.) that can be accessed, used, modified and shared freely for any purpose, including for commercial purposes. What we mean by cultural information is the expression of the ways communities live and develop, whether tangible or intangible, passed on from generation to generation—their customs, objects, artefacts and artistic expressions.

Why do cultural data needs to be opened?

Opening cultural data means people can apply their own creativity and viewpoints in order to transform the data and extend it beyond its initial state. This will in turn enrich our culture.

When will Retas Budaya be held?

6-8 November 2020 online.