Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash


Ralph und die Dinosaurier

Did you know that some dinosaurs had fur? Has anyone ever told you that the Tyrannosaurus wasn’t the biggest flesh-eating dinosaur, and that each year we discover new species of dinosaurs, even though they have been extinct for millions of years? And did you know some dinosaurs actually ate stones? Since the existence of these giant creatures was discovered on this planet, our knowledge about dinosaurs and what they must have looked like hasn’t stopped changing. Follow Ralph's adventures in the world of dinosaurs and have fun learning or refreshing your ideas about what you think you already know.

حول لإخراج

Marcel Barelli

المدرسة الابتدائية (9-11 سنة)
  • الفئة التعليم الترفيهي العائلي

  • العنوان الأصلى Ralph et les Dinosaures
  • الإنتاج Nadasdy film
  • مدة العرض 5:00 دقائق
  • البلد Schweiz
  • السنة 2017

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