"Global Games"

© Goethe-Institut

Modern Art Museum / Gebre Kristos Desta Center

Global Games brings the ,,Games and Politics’’ exhibition of the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe to highlight the value of video games as a socially relevant tool in a globalised world.
The exhibition “Games and Politics” presents the latest developments in the field of computer games - the most popular children of the digital revolution - including the so-called impact games, serious games and news games. The effects of globalisation as well as other real-world references are reflected in computer games: among other things, they deal with the Syria conflict, the use of drones in war zones and the the global economic interrelationships of the globalised financial market.
Whether computer games are seen as a political issue, as a medium of entertainment or even as art, is context-dependent for the time being. Every game locates itself in a society and thus thematises it.
A political relevance can thus be postulated for all computer games, even can be postulated for all computer games, even and especially if they are political action (i.e. collectively binding decisions).
For even in these games it is true that the players give orders, but must in turn play according to the rules of the game in order to in order to be able to play at all. At the other end of this end of the spectrum are games that are deliberately designed for political target group that would otherwise be difficult to reach, for the purpose of political for propaganda purposes.
How computer games unfold their political potential is the subject of the touring exhibition the touring exhibition Games and Politics.



Modern Art Museum / Gebre Kristos Desta Center