Seminar for Publishers
Meet the experts! Audiobook trends from Germany

German Stories
© Frankfurter Buchmesse


​Germany, together with the Anglo-Saxon countries is traditionally one of the biggest markets for audiobooks in the World. The format enjoys a high acceptance and fabulous growth in the last years. German audiobook publishers can work with a healthy retail structure for CD, Downloads and since a few years Streaming. Greece does not have an Audible as a market driver and CD like in many markets is a ever-shrinking format. But Greece has streaming services with growing popularity like Spotify and others which could be a springboard for developing the audiobook market in Greece. Let’s discuss the opportunities!

Kurt Thielen
, CEO, Zebralution Digital Media Distribution
Corinna Zimber, Publisher & Owner AUDIOBUCH Verlag 

Nopi Chatzigeorgiou
, Hellenic Foundation for Culture



Language: English
Price: free of charge

Part of series Let's talk!