Philosophy : Pathways of Knowledge and Critique

Goethe-Institut Nairobi

This will be the culmination of a five-day-workshop that builds on last year’s experience of a 5-day workshop on Revisiting Sage Philosophy, funded by Columbia University’s Global Centre, and with participants from the University of Nairobi (largely the Philosophy Department), Nairobi Technical University, the University of Dar es Salaam (Philosophy), Makerere (MISR), and Columbia University.

The workshop will culminate in a final day conference which will provide an opportunity for presentation and discussion of the participants’ related research projects in draft form.

The project in Nairobi is a collaboration between the Goethe-Institut, the University of Nairobi, IFRA, the Technical University, and RAF University.


Goethe-Institut Nairobi

No. 3, Monrovia Street
Maendeleo House

Price: Free